Tuesday, March 9, 2010


                               INTRODUCTION TO THE BIOPERL

Bioperl is a collection of more than 500 Perl modules for bioinformatics that have
been written and maintained by an international group of volunteers. Bioperl is free
(under a very unrestrictive copyright), and its home is http://bioperl.org.
One of the most difficult things about Bioperl is getting started using it. This is due
to a scarcity of good documentation (which is being rectified) as well as the sheer size
of the Bioperl module library. This chapter will help you get started using the Bioperl
project software; it will guide you through the initial steps of getting the software,
installing it, and exploring the tutorial and example material that it provides.
After working through this chapter, you’ll be well prepared to delve deeper into the
riches of Bioperl, and, if you’ve also worked through the object-oriented chapters
earlier in this book, you’ll be in a good position to read the Bioperl code and contribute
to the project yourself.
The modules in Bioperl are written in the object-oriented style. Perl programmers
who do not know object-oriented programming can still use the Bioperl modules
with just a bit of extra information, as outlined in Chapter 3.
The Bioperl modules cover various areas of bioinformatics, including some you’ve
seen previously in this book. Although Bioperl includes some example programs, it is
not meant to be a collection of complete user-ready programs. Rather, it’s implemented
as a toolkit you can dip into for help when writing your own programs. Its
goal is to provide good working solutions to common bioinformatics tasks and to
speed your program development.
One of the best things about Bioperl is that it’s an open source project, meaning that
interested developers are invited to contribute by writing code or in other ways, and
the code is available to anyone interested. If you’ve learned enough about Perl for
bioinformatics to have worked through a good portion of this book, you’ll find
plenty of opportunity to get involved in Bioperl if you have the time and inclination.
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292 | Chapter 9: Introduction to Bioperl
The Growth of Bioperl
The practice of freely distributing Perl software for bioinformatics over the Internet
began around 1992. Gradually, Perl became more and more popular for biology
applications.* The release of Perl Version 5 and its support for object-oriented programming
accelerated the development of reusable modules for biology at many
research centers around the world. The large-scale genome sequencing efforts, then
underway, provided much of the impetus, as well as the talent and funding, for these
efforts. The Bioperl project, officially organized in 1995, coalesced around one of
these bioinformatics research groups that was doing a good job of organizing the collective
volunteer effort such collaborative projects require. More information, including
a short history and list of contributors, can be found at the Bioperl site http://
bioperl.org. The Bioperl web site is frequently being updated and improved, and is
the primary source of Bioperl code and documentation.
Today, the Bioperl project has grown to a point where it is both useful enough, and
well enough documented, that it is a must for Perl programming in bioinformatics.
The documentation includes a program bptutorial.pl that comes with Bioperl,
which explains and demonstrates several areas of the project (more on that later in
this chapter).
Installing Bioperl
Installing Bioperl’s large collection of modules isn’t too difficult. It usually goes fairly
painlessly, even though there are a few extra installation steps due to the additional
outside programs and Perl modules on which Bioperl depends. You will probably
want to use Perl’s CPAN to fetch and install Bioperl.
INSTALL is a good document that covers Bioperl installation on Unix/Linux, Windows,
and Mac operating systems. It’s part of the Bioperl distribution and is located
at http://bioperl.org/Core/Latest/INSTALL. This location may change, but it’s easy to
find from the Download link on the main Bioperl web page. If you’re going to install
Bioperl, I recommend you read this document first; here, I’ll give an overview of
what’s available and add a few additional comments that may help with installation.
Here’s how to get Bioperl on different platforms:
• On Unix/Linux, if you download the tar file from the web site, you merely need
to untar it and go through the configure and make process by hand, as described
in the INSTALL file that comes with the distribution.
* See, for example, the article “How Perl Saved the Human Genome Project” by Lincoln Stein at http://bioperl.
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Installing Bioperl | 293
• If you have a Microsoft Windows machine with ActiveState’s Perl (http://www.
activestate.com), there’s a PPM file available for Bioperl; at the time of this writing,
it’s at http://bioperl.org/ftp/DIST/Bioperl-1.2.1.ppd.
• There is also a CVS repository for Bioperl from which you can fetch the most
current versions of the modules. But be careful: some newer versions of the modules
are implementing new features and have more bugs than are found in some
of the older, more stable releases. The details of how to install from CVS are also
available at the Bioperl web page.
All these methods for installing Bioperl are fine, but probably the most common way
for Perl programmers to install sets of modules is by way of CPAN. I discussed
CPAN in Chapter 1, but it’s worth discussing again as it relates to Bioperl.
To install Bioperl, you start by typing the following at the command line:
perl -MCPAN -e shell;
This gives the CPAN shell prompt:
It’s often the case that a module you want to install may require other modules for its
proper operation, and perhaps one or more of these additional modules have not yet
been installed. The CPAN system includes a way to check to see what other modules
are required, and you can configure it to automatically follow and install missing
Especially with a large collection of modules like Bioperl, you may expect to see such
prerequisites crop up. When I asked my CPAN session how it was configured:
cpan> o conf
one of the lines of output from that query was:
prerequisites_policy ask
I couldn’t find a way to list the options within my CPAN session, so I took a look at
the CPAN documentation in another window with perldoc CPAN, searched for the
string prerequisites_policy, and read the following:
what to do if you are missing module prerequisites
('follow' automatically, 'ask' me, or 'ignore')
To handle the prerequisites automatically, I configured my CPAN session like so:
cpan> o conf prerequisites_policy follow
Now, if you have a slow Internet connection, setting the option this way can be a
problem, because some prerequisites may take a long time to install, and you’ll be
stuck waiting for everything to finish. In that case, you may prefer to be asked about
each prerequisite, so you can see if you have the needed time to do the installation.
Plan on the process taking at least a couple of hours. My experience using both a
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294 | Chapter 9: Introduction to Bioperl
dial-up modem and a cable modem from a home office is that the time involved was
not too onerous.
As you probably know by now, you can see a summary of CPAN session commands
by typing help:
cpan> help
Display Information
command argument description
a,b,d,m WORD or /REGEXP/ about authors, bundles, distributions, modules
i WORD or /REGEXP/ about anything of above
r NONE reinstall recommendations
ls AUTHOR about files in the author's directory
Download, Test, Make, Install...
get download
make make (implies get)
test MODULES, make test (implies make)
install DISTS, BUNDLES make install (implies test)
clean make clean
look open subshell in these dists' directories
readme display these dists' README files
h,? display this menu ! perl-code eval a perl command
o conf [opt] set and query options q quit the cpan shell
reload cpan load CPAN.pm again reload index load newer indices
autobundle Snapshot force cmd unconditionally do cmd
To find the Bioperl distribution, I typed:
cpan> i /bioperl/
and got the following output:
cpan> i /bioperl/
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
Database was generated on Sun, 27 Apr 2003 04:12:50 GMT
Bundle Bundle::BioPerl (C/CR/CRAFFI/Bundle-BioPerl-2.04.tar.gz)
Distribution B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-0.05.1.tar.gz
Distribution B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-0.6.2.tar.gz
Distribution B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-0.7.0.tar.gz
Distribution B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-1.0.2.tar.gz
Distribution B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-1.0.tar.gz
Distribution B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-1.2.1.tar.gz
Distribution B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-1.2.tar.gz
Distribution B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-db-0.1.tar.gz
Distribution B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-ext-0.6.tar.gz
Distribution B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-gui-0.7.tar.gz
Distribution C/CR/CRAFFI/Bundle-BioPerl-2.04.tar.gz
Module Bio::LiveSeq::IO::BioPerl (B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-1.2.1.tar.gz)
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Installing Bioperl | 295
13 items found
From looking at the Bioperl web page, I knew that the Bundle::BioPerl had extra
useful modules in it that Bioperl uses.
I started the installation by first installing the Bundle:
cpan> install Bundle::BioPerl
This process fetched the module code from a CPAN repository, unpacked it, tested
it, and installed it, including its prerequisites (without questions asked because I set
the follow option as described earlier in this section).
Somewhat fortified by my success, I decided to go for broke and install the main Bioperl
From the search output from my CPAN query, i /bioperl/, just shown, I saw that
the highest numbered release was 1.2.1. Just to be sure it was the latest release, I also
spent some time at the Bioperl web site reading the news about the latest releases, so
I was quite sure it was what I wanted.
I also spent some time reading the INSTALL file, and I knew that I was generally in
good shape. I had a new-enough version of Perl (Version 5.8.0) and was on one of
the standard supported platforms.
I installed it on a notebook computer with an Intel 686 processor that had the
RedHat Linux 7.2 operating system. The computer and the operating system were
about two years old, old enough that I did do some looking around on the Bioperl
web site to see if there were any advisories about which versions of Linux were recommended
or advised against.
In general, modern computer systems are complex, and they change rapidly. Operating
systems and hardware have a replacement cycle of about two years. Some of this
is planned obsolescence; some is legitimate technical progress. Whatever the cause,
the result is that a system such as the one I’m describing needs several pieces to be in
sync. The hardware, operating system software, Perl version, and Bioperl version
have to coexist; other pieces such as the C compiler, web browser, web server, and
so forth may also cause problems. Hence my interest in checking to see if there were
any advisories on these topics.
However, I didn’t see any warnings about my particular platform. And since I had
recently installed the latest version of Perl with success, I felt I had performed due
diligence and that I should go ahead and try to install the Bioperl modules.
To do so, I typed:
cpan> install B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-1.2.1.tar.gz
There followed a great amount of activity as CPAN got the distribution from the
Internet and tested the various modules. After a time, the tests were complete; a few
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296 | Chapter 9: Introduction to Bioperl
of them had failed, and CPAN decided not to install the modules. Since only a handful
of module tests failed, I looked at the output on my screen and decided that the
failures were only in peripheral parts of Bioperl I didn’t have an immediate use for,
and if I ever did need them, I could fix them later.
So, to finish the installation, I forced CPAN to do the installation despite the presence
of some test failures:
cpan> force install B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-1.2.1.tar.gz
This resulted in the modules and the documentation being installed.
Testing Bioperl
To check that things were working okay with my new Bioperl installation, I first
wrote a little test to see if a Perl program could find the Bio::Perl module:
use Bio::Perl;
I ran it by putting it in a file bp0.pl and giving it to the Perl interpreter:
[tisdall]# perl bp0.pl
As you see, it didn’t complain, which means Perl found the Bio::Perl module. If it
can’t find it, it will complain. When I copied the bp0.pl program to a file called bp0.
pl.broken and changed the module call of Bio::Perl to a call for the nonexistent
module Bio::Perrl, I got the following (slightly truncated) error output:
[tisdall@coltrane development]$ perl bp0.pl.broken
Can't locate Bio/Perrl.pm in @INC
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at bp0.pl.broken line 1.
Second Test
Now I knew that Bio::Perl could be found and loaded. I next tried a couple of test
programs that are given in the bptutorial.pl document. I found a link to that tutorial
document on the Web from the http://bioperl.org page. Alternately, I could have
opened a window and typed at the command prompt:
perldoc bptutorial.pl
I went to the section near the beginning of the document called “I.2 Quick getting
started scripts” and created a file tut1.pl on my computer by pasting in the text of
the first tutorial script:
use Bio::Perl;
# this script will only work with an internet connection
# on the computer it is run on
$seq_object = get_sequence('swissprot',"ROA1_HUMAN");
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Testing Bioperl | 297
I then ran the program and looked at the output file:
[tisdall]$ perl tut1.pl
[tisdall]$ cat roa1.fasta
>ROA1_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (Helix-destabilizing protein)
(Single-strand binding protein) (hnRNP core protein A1).
That seemed to work perfectly.
Third Test
I tried the next short script from the same section of the tutorial, pasting it into a file
called tut2.pl:
[tisdall]$ cat tut2.pl
use Bio::Perl;
# this script will only work with an internet connection
# on the computer it is run on
$seq_object = get_sequence('swissprot',"ROA1_HUMAN");
# uses the default database - nr in this case
$blast_result = blast_sequence($seq);
[tisdall]$ perl tut2.pl
-------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: req was POST http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/Blast.cgi
User-Agent: libwww-perl/5.69
Content-Length: 178
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Submitted Blast for [blast-sequence-temp-id]
[tisdall]$ cat roa1.blast
[tisdall]$ ls -l roa1.blast
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tisdall tisdall 0 Apr 30 11:28 roa1.blast
Here, I experienced a problem. Running the program created a page of error output,
mostly formatted in HTML, which I’ve truncated in the output. When I tried to cat
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298 | Chapter 9: Introduction to Bioperl
the output file, there was nothing in it, which I verified (on Linux) by examining the
file with ls -l, which showed that it had 0 bytes in it.
This wasn’t very encouraging; the second of the two short example scripts was failing.
Looking at the two programs tut1.pl and tut2.pl, you can see that the second is an
extension of the first; after getting the sequence, the second program also tries to
blast it, and this is where it is failing. It’s running (printing those ... dots took a while
because the program was waiting for a reply from NCBI over the Internet), but it’s
not printing out the BLAST report to the file roa1.blast. What’s going wrong?
I started my investigation by looking at the documentation for the Bio::Perl module
by typing:
perldoc Bio::Perl
and searching for the function that is failing, blast_sequence. Here’s what I found:
Title : blast_sequence
Usage : $blast_result = blast_sequence($seq)
$blast_result = blast_sequence('MFVEGGTFASEDDDSASAEDE');
Function: If the computer has Internet accessibility, blasts
the sequence using the NCBI BLAST server against nrdb.
It choose the flavour of BLAST on the basis of the sequence.
This function uses Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast, which itself
use Bio::SearchIO - as soon as you want to more, check out
these modules
Returns : Bio::Search::Result::GenericResult.pm
Args : Either a string of protein letters or nucleotides, or a
Bio::Seq object
That last sentence about the Args gave me a clue. I went back and looked at the failing
program, which I placed in a file called tut2.pl, and, sure enough, the argument
for the blast_sequence function, $seq, is neither a string of sequence nor a Bio::Seq
object. In fact, it’s not even defined! Clearly, what the tutorial writer meant instead
of $seq, was $seq_object, which is defined and populated by the earlier get_sequence
method call.
I was visited by a brainwave, and I decided to put a use strict and a use warnings
into the program and to declare variables with my to see what ensued:
[tisdall]$ cat tut2.pl
use Bio::Perl;
use strict;
use warnings;
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Testing Bioperl | 299
# this script will only work with an internet connection
# on the computer it is run on
my $seq_object = get_sequence('swissprot',"ROA1_HUMAN");
# uses the default database - nr in this case
my $blast_result = blast_sequence($seq);
[tisdall]$ perl tut2.pl
Global symbol "$seq" requires explicit package name at tut2.pl line 11.
Global symbol "$blast_report" requires explicit package name at tut2.pl line 13.
Execution of tut2.pl aborted due to compilation errors.
Well, that’s pretty clear. The variables $seq and $blast_report are wrong; apparently,
the author intended to reuse the variables $seq_object and $blast_result
instead. So, I edited the file and ran it again:
[tisdall]$ cat tut2.pl
use Bio::Perl;
use strict;
use warnings;
# this script will only work with an internet connection
# on the computer it is run on
my $seq_object = get_sequence('swissprot',"ROA1_HUMAN");
# uses the default database - nr in this case
my $blast_result = blast_sequence($seq_object);
[tisdall]$ perl tut2.pl
[tisdall]$ perl tut2.pl
Submitted Blast for [ROA1_HUMAN] ...................
[tisdall]$ ls -l roa1.blast
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tisdall tisdall 56888 May 5 15:05 roa1.blast
Examining the roa1.blast file convinced me that the program had successfully called
blast. I decided that was a success, albeit a qualified one: this was a spot in the documentation
that could use a little attention, clearly. By the time you’re reading this, it
may well have been fixed.
Fourth Test
Now, let me show you one more test of my new Bioperl installation.
Looking at the Bio::Perl documentation, I found the following example and discussion
at the very beginning.
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300 | Chapter 9: Introduction to Bioperl
Bio::Perl(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Bio::Perl(3)
Bio::Perl - Functional access to BioPerl for people who
don't know objects
use Bio::Perl;
# will guess file format from extension
$seq_object = read_sequence($filename);
# forces genbank format
$seq_object = read_sequence($filename,'genbank');
# reads an array of sequences
@seq_object_array = read_all_sequences($filename,'fasta');
# sequences are Bio::Seq objects, so the following methods work
# for more info see L, or do 'perldoc Bio/Seq.pm'
print "Sequence name is ",$seq_object->display_id,"\n";
print "Sequence acc is ",$seq_object->accession_number,"\n";
print "First 5 bases is ",$seq_object->subseq(1,5),"\n";
# get the whole sequence as a single string
$sequence_as_a_string = $seq_object->seq( );
# writing sequences
# making a new sequence from just strings you have
# from something else
# getting a sequence from a database (assumes internet connection)
$seq_object = get_sequence('swissprot',"ROA1_HUMAN");
$seq_object = get_sequence('embl',"AI129902");
$seq_object = get_sequence('genbank',"AI129902");
# BLAST a sequence (assummes an internet connection)
$blast_report = blast_sequence($seq_object);
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Testing Bioperl | 301
Easy first time access to BioPerl via functions
Mailing Lists
User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this
and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions
preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists.
Your participation is much appreciated.
Reporting Bugs
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us
keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can
be submitted via email or the web:
AUTHOR - Ewan Birney
Email bioperl-l@bio.perl.org
Describe contact details here
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
I took the example code from the SYNOPSIS section and put it in a file called bp1.pl. I
noticed that the code was not meant to be a running program. The variable
$filename refers to some sequence file in the first line of code without being initialized,
and then the same variable name is used in several other lines for different purposes.
This is not an uncommon situation in such SYNOPSIS sections; the point is to
show how individual calls can be made to methods in the class, not to demonstrate a
complete working program (although sometimes the code can be run exactly as is).
I had to make some changes to make this code a working, runnable program. I
declared the strict and warnings pragmas and declared each variable with my. I created
variables for the different sequence filenames I needed as both input and output,
and I made sure that the input sequence files were on disk and of the correct
variety (for example, I created the array.fasta file with three FASTA headers and
sequences one after the other). In the end I had this code:
use Bio::Perl;
use strict;
use warnings;
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302 | Chapter 9: Introduction to Bioperl
my $gbfilename = 'AI129902.genbank';
# will guess file format from extension
my $seq_object0 = read_sequence($gbfilename);
# forces genbank format
my $seq_object1 = read_sequence($gbfilename,'genbank');
my $fastafilename = 'array.fasta';
# reads an array of sequences
my @seq_object_array = read_all_sequences($fastafilename,'fasta');
# sequences are Bio::Seq objects, so the following methods work
# for more info see L, or do 'perldoc Bio/Seq.pm'
print "Sequence name is ",$seq_object1->display_id,"\n";
print "Sequence acc is ",$seq_object1->accession_number,"\n";
print "First 5 bases is ",$seq_object1->subseq(1,5),"\n";
# get the whole sequence as a single string
my $sequence_as_a_string = $seq_object1->seq( );
# writing sequences
my $gbfilenameout = 'bpout.genbank';
# making a new sequence from just strings you have
# from something else
# getting a sequence from a database (assumes internet connection)
my $seq_object3 = get_sequence('swissprot',"ROA1_HUMAN");
my $seq_object4 = get_sequence('embl',"AI129902");
my $seq_object5 = get_sequence('genbank',"AI129902");
# BLAST a sequence (assummes an internet connection)
my $blast_report = blast_sequence($seq_object3);
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Bioperl Problems | 303
As you see, I didn’t check on the output of all the method calls, but the real purpose
of this test of my newly installed Bioperl modules was just to see if all the modules
and methods could be found and would run when called.
As mentioned previously, I also added use strict; and use warnings; and declared all
the variables with my. Often, you don’t see that usage in this kind of documentation;
it’s not required in Perl, and it may distract some readers of the documentation from
the main point of showing how the methods are called. This is not an unusual omission
to find in Perl class documentation, but of course, it’s recommended and often
very helpful, as you saw in the last section.
So, I ran my slightly edited version of the example code from the beginning of the
Bio::Perl manpage, with the following results:
[tisdall]$ perl bp1.pl
Sequence name is AI129902
Sequence acc is AI129902
First 5 bases is CTCCG
Submitted Blast for [ROA1_HUMAN] .........
I looked at each of the input and output files and verified the expected contents. The
following output from a listing of the files will give you an idea of what to expect
(although you may get different results by running the program with different input
files or database lookups):
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tisdall tisdall 2391 May 5 10:37 AI129902.genbank
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tisdall tisdall 2485 May 5 13:00 array.fasta
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tisdall tisdall 1513 May 5 13:02 bp1.pl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tisdall tisdall 3653 May 5 13:02 bpout.genbank
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tisdall tisdall 56888 May 5 13:04 blast.out
Notice that at the end of the program I call the blast_sequence method on the protein
sequence object $seq_object3. I discovered that trying to run the blast_sequence
method on a nucleotide sequence object (such as $seq_object5) failed. Although the
documentation for the method said that the sequence type would be examined and
the appropriate BLAST program called (for example, blastp for protein sequence
and blastx for nucleotide sequence, against the nr nonredundant protein database),
it always seemed to call blastp no matter what the input sequence, and therefore it
failed unless called with protein sequence as I had stored in $seq_object3. Perhaps
this bug, a disconnect between the code and the documentation, has been fixed by
the time you read this.
Bioperl Problems
Bioperl is still a work in progress, and it has some problems. I’d like to mention the
two main problems now.
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304 | Chapter 9: Introduction to Bioperl
First, the Bioperl documentation is incomplete. In fact, until fairly recently, there was
no document that provided a tutorial introduction to the project. This has changed;
the bptutorial.pl document, which you’ve already seen and will see more of, is an
excellent beginning, despite its occasional errors. This document cleverly combines a
tutorial with quite a few example programs that you can run, as you’ll soon see.
Other documentation for Bioperl is also available, including Internet-based tutorials,
forthcoming books, example programs, and journal articles. So, the situation has
recently improved.
Second, Bioperl is big (over 500 modules), written by volunteers, and gradually
evolving. The size of the project is a sign that Bioperl addresses many interesting and
useful problems, but it also means that, for the new user of Bioperl, an overview of
the available resources is a task in itself.
The majority of the Bioperl code is quite good, especially the most-used parts of it.
However, the volunteer and evolving nature of Bioperl development means that
some of the code is unfinished and not as well integrated with other parts of the
project as one would like. Newer or less used modules may still need some shaking
out by users in real-world situations. This is where you can make an initial contribution
to the project: as you find problems, report them (more on that later).
Many of the computing world’s most successful programs are the result of the same
kind of volunteer development as Bioperl (the Perl language itself and the Apache
web server are two examples). Bioperl is well positioned to achieve a similarly central
position in the field of bioinformatics.
Overview of Objects
Bioperl is a big project and a fairly large collection of modules. Some of these modules
are standalone; others interact with each other in various ways.
Your first task in learning about Bioperl is to get an idea of the main subject areas the
modules are designed to address. So to begin with, here is a brief overview of the
main types of objects in Bioperl, collected in a few broadly defined groups.
Bio::Seq is the main sequence object in Bioperl.
Bio::PrimarySeq is a sequence object without features.
Bio::SeqIO provides sequence file input and output.
Bio::Tools::SeqStats provides statistics on a sequence.
Bio::LiveSeq::* handles changing sequences.
Bio::Seq::LargeSeq provides support for very large sequences.
Bio::DB::GenBank provides GenBank access. Similar modules are available for
several biological databases.
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Overview of Objects | 305
Bio::Index::* indexing and accessing local databases.
Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast runs BLAST on your local computer.
Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast runs BLAST remotely.
Bio::Tools::BPlite parses BLAST reports.
Bio::Tools::BPpsilite parses psiblast reports.
Bio::Tools::HMMER::Results parses HMMER hidden Markov model results.
Bio::SimpleAlign manipulates and displays simple multiple sequence
Bio::UnivAln manipulates and displays multiple sequence alignments.
Bio::LocatableSeq are sequence objects with start and end points for locating
relative to other sequences or alignments.
Bio::Tools::pSW aligns two sequences with the Smith-Waterman algorithm.
Bio::Tools::BPbl2seq is a lightweight BLAST parser for pairwise sequence
alignment using the BLAST algorithm.
Bio::AlignIO also aligns two sequences with BLAST.
Bio::Clustalw is an interface to the Clustalw multiple sequence alignment
Bio::TCoffee is an interface to the TCoffee multiple sequence alignment
Bio::Variation::Allele handles sets of alleles.
Bio::Variation::SeqDiff handles sets of mutations and variants.
Features and genes on sequences
Bio::SeqFeature is the sequence feature object in Bioperl.
Bio::Tools::RestrictionEnzyme locates restriction sites in sequence.
Bio::Tools::Sigcleave finds amino acid cleavage sites.
Bio::Tools::OddCodes rewrites amino acid sequences in abbreviated codes for
specific statistical analysis (e.g., a hydrophobic/hydrophilic two-letter
Bio::Tools::SeqPattern provides support for regular expression descriptions of
sequence patterns.
Bio::LocationI provides an interface to location information for a sequence.
Bio::Location::Simple handles simple location information for a sequence, both
as a single location and as a range.
Bio::Location::Split provides location information where the location may
encompass multiple ranges, and even multiple sequences.
Bio::Location::Fuzzy provides location information that may be inexact.
Bio::Tools::Genscan is an interface to the gene finding program.
Bio::Tools::Sim4::Results (and Exon) is an interface to the gene exon finding
Bio::Tools::ESTScan is an interface to the gene finding program.
Bio::Tools::MZEF is an interface to the gene finding program.
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306 | Chapter 9: Introduction to Bioperl
Bio::Tools::Grail is an interface to the gene finding program.
Bio::Tools::Genemark is an interface to the gene finding program.
Bio::Tools::EPCR parses the output of ePCR program.
I’ve already shown you a little of the bptutorial.pl document. I ran and discussed a
few of the short example programs in the preceding sections.
As you know, one of the easiest ways to get started with a programming system is to
find some working and fairly generic programs in that system. You can read and run
the programs, and then proceed to alter them using them as templates for your own
programming development.
Bioperl comes with a directory of example programs, but the best place to begin
looking for starting-off program code is right in the bptutorial.pl document itself.
That .pl suffix on the name is the giveaway; the document is actually itself a program,
cleverly designed so that you can read, and run, example programs that exercise
the core parts of the Bioperl project.
The following explanation of the runnable programs that are part of bptutorial.pl
appears at the end of the document (when you view it on the Web or as the output
of perldoc bptutorial.pl).
V.2 Appendix: Tutorial demo scripts
The following scripts demonstrate many of the features of
bioperl. To run all the core demos, run:
> perl -w bptutorial.pl 0
To run a subset of the scripts do
> perl -w bptutorial.pl
and use the displayed help screen.
It may be best to start by just running one or two demos
at a time. For example, to run the basic sequence manipulation
demo, do:
> perl -w bptutorial.pl 1
Some of the later demos require that you have an internet
connection and/or that you have an auxilliary bioperl
library and/or external cpan module and/or external program
installed. They may also fail if you are not running
under Linux or Unix. In all of these cases, the script
should fail "gracefully" simply saying the demo is being
skipped. However if the script "crashes", simply run the
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bptutorial.pl | 307
other demos individually (and perhaps send an email to
bioperl-l@bioperl.org detailing the problem :-).
(Recall that the -w flag to Perl turns on warnings in almost the same manner as a use
warnings; directive.)
To test my Bioperl installation, I started by running the basic sequence manipulation
demo as suggested.
First, I thought I might copy the bptutorial.pl program file into my own working
directory from the Bioperl distribution directory where I’d unpacked the source
code. I wanted to put it in my own directory so as not to muddy up the Bioperl distribution
directory with my own extraneous files. However, I discovered that the
tutorial demo programs rely on a number of datafiles that are found in the t/data/
subdirectory of the Bioperl distribution. Running the program in my own directory
gave me an error because the program evidently requires a FASTA-formatted file
called dna1.fa:
[tisdall]$ perl -w bptutorial.pl 1
Beginning sequence_manipulations and SeqIO example...
------------- EXCEPTION -------------
MSG: Could not open t/data/dna1.fa: No such file or directory
STACK Bio::Root::IO::_initialize_io /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Bio/Root/IO.
STACK Bio::SeqIO::_initialize /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Bio/SeqIO.pm:437
STACK Bio::SeqIO::fasta::_initialize /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Bio/SeqIO/
STACK Bio::SeqIO::new /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Bio/SeqIO.pm:355
STACK Bio::SeqIO::new /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Bio/SeqIO.pm:368
STACK main::__ANON__ bptutorial.pl:2758
STACK toplevel bptutorial.pl:3933
I decided it would be easier to run bptutorial.pl from the distribution directory. I
entered that directory; on my Linux machine, I unpacked the Bioperl source code
into /usr/local/src/bioperl-1.2.1. I then tried to run the demo:
[tisdall]$ cd /usr/local/src/bioperl-1.2.1
[tisdall]$ perl -w bptutorial.pl 1
Beginning sequence_manipulations and SeqIO example...
First sequence in fasta format...
Seq object display id is Test1
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308 | Chapter 9: Introduction to Bioperl
Sequence is
Sequence from 5 to 10 is TTTCAT
Acc num is unknown
Moltype is dna
Primary id is Test1
Truncated Seq object sequence is TTTCAT
Reverse complemented sequence 5 to 10 is ATGAAA
Translated sequence 6 to 15 is LQRAICLCVD
Beginning 3-frame and alternate codon translation example...
ctgagaaaataa translated using method defaults : LRK*
ctgagaaaataa translated as a coding region (CDS): MRK
Translating in all six frames:
frame: 0 forward: LRK*
frame: 0 reverse-complement: LFSQ
frame: 1 forward: *EN
frame: 1 reverse-complement: YFL
frame: 2 forward: EKI
frame: 2 reverse-complement: IFS
Translating with all codon tables using method defaults:
1 : LRK*
2 : L*K*
3 : TRK*
4 : LRK*
5 : LSK*
6 : LRKQ
9 : LSN*
10 : LRK*
11 : LRK*
12 : SRK*
13 : LGK*
14 : LSNY
15 : LRK*
16 : LRK*
21 : LSN*
That seemed to run without error. Now I wanted to see the Perl code that had run
and produced that output.
Exploring a bit, I found that the POD documentation part of bptutorial.pl is
roughly the first half of the file, and that the second half of the file contains the Perl
code for the demos.
The author attributions and the libraries that are loaded are at the beginning of the
Perl code section, somewhere near the middle of the bptutorial.pl file:
# PROGRAM : bptutorial.pl
# PURPOSE : Demonstrate various uses of the bioperl package
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bptutorial.pl | 309
# AUTHOR : Peter Schattner schattner@alum.mit.edu
# CREATED : Dec 15 2000
# REVISION : $Id: ch09,v 1.31 2003/09/11 13:54:52 mam Exp mam $
use strict;
use Bio::SimpleAlign;
use Bio::AlignIO;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::Seq;
That seems like a good bet for a list of the most important Bioperl modules. Actually,
some other modules are loaded for individual demos; at various points, the following
come into play:
use Bio::SearchIO;
use Bio::Root::IO;
use Bio::MapIO;
use Bio::TreeIO;
use Bio::Perl
Following those use Module directives comes the following:
# subroutine references
my ($access_remote_db, $index_local_db, $fetch_local_db,
$sequence_manipulations, $seqstats_and_seqwords,
$restriction_and_sigcleave, $other_seq_utilities, $run_remoteblast,
$run_standaloneblast, $blast_parser, $bplite_parsing, $hmmer_parsing,
$run_clustalw_tcoffee, $run_psw_bl2seq, $simplealign,
$gene_prediction_parsing, $sequence_annotation, $largeseqs,
$run_tree, $run_map, $run_struct, $run_perl, $searchio_parsing,
$liveseqs, $demo_variations, $demo_xml, $display_help, $bpinspect1 );
# global variable file names. Edit these if you want to try
#out a tutorial script on a different file
# used in $sequence_manipulations
my $dna_seq_file = Bio::Root::IO->catfile("t","data","dna1.fa");
# used in $other_seq_utilities and in $run_perl and $sequence_annotation
my $amino_seq_file = Bio::Root::IO->catfile("t","data","cysprot1.fa");
# used in $blast_parser
my $blast_report_file = Bio::Root::IO->catfile("t","data","blast.report");
# used in $bplite_parsing
my $bp_parse_file1 = Bio::Root::IO->catfile("t","data","blast.report");
# used in $bplite_parsing
my $bp_parse_file2 = Bio::Root::IO->catfile("t","data","psiblastreport.out");
# used in $bplite_parsing
my $bp_parse_file3 = Bio::Root::IO->catfile("t","data","bl2seq.out");
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310 | Chapter 9: Introduction to Bioperl
# used in $run_clustalw_tcoffee
my $unaligned_amino_file = Bio::Root::IO->catfile("t","data","cysprot1a.fa");
# used in $simplealign
my $aligned_amino_file = Bio::Root::IO->catfile("t","data","testaln.pfam");
# other global variables
my (@runlist, $n );
A look at the documentation (perldoc Bio::Root::IO) shows that the catfile method
returns the pathname of a file, which is being saved in a scalar variable such as $dna_
seq_file. This method is there for portability between operating systems, because
operating systems each have their own syntax for specifying pathnames.
After that comes the code for the help screen, the output of which you’ve already
seen; next comes the individual demo subroutines; and finally the code for the main
subroutine, which you saw in the last section.
At the very end of the bptutorial.pl file, I found the part of the code that launches
all the demos:
## "main" program follows
#no strict 'refs';
@runlist = @ARGV;
# display help if no option
if (scalar(@runlist)= =0) {&$display_help;};
# argument = 0 means run tests 1 thru 22
if ($runlist[0] = = 0) {@runlist = (1..22); };
foreach $n (@runlist) {
if ($n = =100) {my $object = $runlist[1]; &$bpinspect1($object); last;}
if ($n = =1) {&$sequence_manipulations; next;}
if ($n = =2) {&$seqstats_and_seqwords; next;}
if ($n = =3) {&$restriction_and_sigcleave; next;}
if ($n = =4) {&$other_seq_utilities; next;}
if ($n = =5) {&$run_perl; next;}
if ($n = =6) {&$searchio_parsing; next;}
if ($n = =7) {&$bplite_parsing; next;}
if ($n = =8) {&$hmmer_parsing; next;}
if ($n = =9) {&$simplealign ; next;}
if ($n = =10) {&$gene_prediction_parsing; next;}
if ($n = =11) {&$access_remote_db; next;}
if ($n = =12) {&$index_local_db; next;}
if ($n = =13) {&$fetch_local_db; next;}
if ($n = =14) {&$sequence_annotation; next;}
if ($n = =15) {&$largeseqs; next;}
if ($n = =16) {&$liveseqs; next;}
if ($n = =17) {&$run_struct; next;}
if ($n = =18) {&$demo_variations; next;}
if ($n = =19) {&$demo_xml; next;}
if ($n = =20) {&$run_tree; next;}
if ($n = =21) {&$run_map; next;}
if ($n = =22) {&$run_remoteblast; next;}
if ($n = =23) {&$run_standaloneblast; next;}
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bptutorial.pl | 311
if ($n = =24) {&$run_clustalw_tcoffee; next;}
if ($n = =25) {&$run_psw_bl2seq; next;}
## End of "main"
So, I searched for sequence_manipulation and found the following code for this, the
first of the bptutorial.pl demos:
# sequence_manipulations ( ):
$sequence_manipulations = sub {
my ($infile, $in, $out, $seqobj);
$infile = $dna_seq_file;
print "\nBeginning sequence_manipulations and SeqIO example... \n";
# III.3.1 Transforming sequence files (SeqIO)
$in = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file' => $infile ,
'-format' => 'Fasta');
$seqobj = $in->next_seq( );
# perl "tied filehandle" syntax is available to SeqIO,
# allowing you to use the standard <> and print operations
# to read and write sequence objects, eg:
#$out = Bio::SeqIO->newFh('-format' => 'EMBL');
$out = Bio::SeqIO->newFh('-format' => 'fasta');
print "First sequence in fasta format... \n";
print $out $seqobj;
# III.4 Manipulating individual sequences
# The following methods return strings
print "Seq object display id is ",
$seqobj->display_id( ), "\n"; # the human read-able id of the sequence
print "Sequence is ",
$seqobj->seq( )," \n"; # string of sequence
print "Sequence from 5 to 10 is ",
$seqobj->subseq(5,10)," \n"; # part of the sequence as a string
print "Acc num is ",
$seqobj->accession_number( ), " \n"; # when there, the accession number
print "Moltype is ",
$seqobj->alphabet( ), " \n"; # one of 'dna','rna','protein'
print "Primary id is ", $seqobj->primary_seq->primary_id( )," \n";
# a unique id for this sequence irregardless
#print "Primary id is ", $seqobj->primary_id( ), " \n";
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312 | Chapter 9: Introduction to Bioperl
# a unique id for this sequence irregardless
# of its display_id or accession number
# The following methods return an array of Bio::SeqFeature objects
$seqobj->top_SeqFeatures; # The 'top level' sequence features
$seqobj->all_SeqFeatures; # All sequence features, including sub
# seq features
# The following methods returns new sequence objects,
# but do not transfer features across
# truncation from 5 to 10 as new object
print "Truncated Seq object sequence is ",
$seqobj->trunc(5,10)->seq( ), " \n";
# reverse complements sequence
print "Reverse complemented sequence 5 to 10 is ",
$seqobj->trunc(5,10)->revcom->seq, " \n";
# translation of the sequence
print "Translated sequence 6 to 15 is ",
$seqobj->translate->subseq(6,15), " \n";
my $c = shift;
$c ||= 'ctgagaaaataa';
print "\nBeginning 3-frame and alternate codon translation example... \n";
my $seq = new Bio::PrimarySeq('-SEQ' => $c,
'-ID' => 'no.One');
print "$c translated using method defaults : ",
$seq->translate->seq, "\n";
# Bio::Seq uses same sequence methods as PrimarySeq
my $seq2 = new Bio::Seq('-SEQ' => $c, '-ID' => 'no.Two');
print "$c translated as a coding region (CDS): ",
$seq2->translate(undef, undef, undef, undef, 1)->seq, "\n";
print "\nTranslating in all six frames:\n";
my @frames = (0, 1, 2);
foreach my $frame (@frames) {
print " frame: ", $frame, " forward: ",
$seq->translate(undef, undef, $frame)->seq, "\n";
print " frame: ", $frame, " reverse-complement: ",
$seq->revcom->translate(undef, undef, $frame)->seq, "\n";
print "Translating with all codon tables using method defaults:\n";
my @codontables = qw( 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 );
foreach my $ct (@codontables) {
print $ct, " : ",
$seq->translate(undef, undef, undef, $ct)->seq, "\n";
return 1;
} ;
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bptutorial.pl: sequence_manipulation Demo | 313
bptutorial.pl: sequence_manipulation
In this section, I’ll go through the code for the demo subroutine sequence_
manipulation that was shown in the last section.
The subroutine is actually an anonymous subroutine; a reference to the subroutine is
saved in the scalar reference variable $sequence_manipulation:
$sequence_manipulations = sub {
The first few lines of code declare some variables with my. Notice that these are not
being passed in as arguments; this method uses no arguments but does occasionally
use global variables such as $dna_seq_file, which, as you’ve just seen, contain the
pathname of the input sequence file the demo will use:
my ($infile, $in, $out, $seqobj);
$infile = $dna_seq_file;
print "\nBeginning sequence_manipulations and SeqIO example... \n";
The code is cross-referenced to the tutorial sections of the file. The next comment
line refers to the part of the document:
# III.3.1 Transforming sequence files (SeqIO)
which can be looked up in the table of contents to the document for further reading:
III.3 Manipulating sequences
III.3.1 Manipulating sequence data with Seq methods (Seq)
Now, I’ll take a look at the first section of example code in the sequence_
manipulations method:
# III.3.1 Transforming sequence files (SeqIO)
$in = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file' => $infile ,'-format' => 'Fasta');
$seqobj = $in->next_seq( );
# perl "tied filehandle" syntax is available to SeqIO,
# allowing you to use the standard <> and print operations
# to read and write sequence objects, eg:
#$out = Bio::SeqIO->newFh('-format' => 'EMBL');
$out = Bio::SeqIO->newFh('-format' => 'fasta');
print "First sequence in fasta format... \n";
print $out $seqobj;
The code starts with a call to the new object constructor of the Bio::SeqIO class. The
new method is being passed the pathname to a FASTA file in $infile, and told that
the format is FASTA 

A quick look at the Bio::SeqIO documentation explains that the call to Bio::SeqIO->
new returns a stream object for the specified format. So, $out is a stream object (a
stream is input or output of data) for FASTA-formatted data, and $in is a stream
object for FASTA-formatted input from the file named in the $infile variable. These
$in and $out objects are also filehandles.
After the $in object is initialized on the FASTA file named in $infile, it calls the
next_seq method, which gets the next (in this case, the first and perhaps only)
FASTA record from the file, and it creates a sequence object $seqobj. The output
$out object is created. The Perl print statement is then called, using $out as a filehandle,
and printing $seqobj.


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